Thursday, May 19, 2011

Is it about who you know?

Over the last few weeks, I have been thinking about this.  The more people I know, the better our chances of success are.  So I have been taking lots of time to figure out what venues to go to, and where to network with people.  I took up an ad on craigslist, and came across two producers, and a guy that does mixing.  One producer lives in the area, and I am meeting him this weekend, mainly just to see where his head is, and what his plans are, and figure out how he can help me.  The other producer gave me some good advice, and I hope to stay in contact with him.  I also went to a couple open mic places, but they were not what I was expecting.  I hope to keep looking for venues like that because I hope that if we were able to perform, we could meet more people with the same ambition.

Next week I'm taking Rooga with me to see what he thinks.  I really think that if we can at least get a small following going, things will be better.  I might have a few people that actually look at this blog (lol), and get something going by word of mouth.  Also, at the end of the month I'm going to Tyler, Texas to meet up with a cousin that does radio work up there.  He is having a party, and really I'm hoping to head up there and connect with him in a way that isn't direct.  Let him know what we are trying to do without asking for anything.  I figure because we are in the starting stages, we have nothing to offer other than rhymes with no beat, productions, or experience.  We need something under our belt, a following, some connections, or something like that before we are able to make real moves.

In short, I think it is about who you know.  From the beginning you need to make steps to meet the right people.  How far do you think you will get if you are surrounded by bums?

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